Monday, April 13, 2009

My Biggest Problem

I never know when to quit
I cross the line every time
but I hate repeating myself
& I hate hearing things twice

I don’t understand why I’m supposed to be
taking these things so seriously
maybe, so gravely

I’m explaining myself well enough, aren’t I?
I believe every word that you say
I do my best to keep it cataloged
I may forget some of the details
names, times, phone numbers,
but I keep good records
on the gists of things

I blow up on people too
but its not a temper
I’m just speaking louder
because I want to be heard

I haven’t got a spiteful bone in my body
& that aint to say,
I don’t have any hate in my heart
I hate so many stupid things
but just things
& they don’t really mean anything to me
I barely ever talk about them
& think about them even less

I know how I come across to you
I get insulted some times
because you’d rather I just lie


  1. good luck with quitting
    like sitting
    on a shit
    for less time.

    maybe it’s not voices
    getting louder
    it’s the air getting thinner
    in the middle of the room

    who cares if there’s
    a winner
    boo boos don’t
    make what you say wrong.

    and when it’s winter
    and the light’s dimmer
    i’m a yarn spinner
    reeling out tales

    but tall tales
    like ships sails
    aren’t lies
    they just billow

    and at night when
    i’m snoring
    into my pillow
    i want you to kick me.

  2. You know
    in little league games
    the coach is supposed to tell the players
    it's not whether you win or lose
    that really matters
    but they have to say it
    because every kid knows
    its not true.

    When I say
    sometimes that you'd rather I lie
    I mean it of most people.

    It's so common
    that I'm supposed to assume
    that it's innate
    so I shouldn't be upset
    but its not true
    it aint everybody.

    Fact is
    words are only loosely associated with meaning
    when in the context of conversation.

    The speaker can do nothing
    but speak the way they speak.

    They may know 500 words
    or 5 thousand
    they may have vague understandings
    of all of them
    but it can be assured that each word
    exists in a personal frame of reference.

    The word Dog
    to a Vet Tech
    to a Dog Attack Victim

    Now this may seem extreme
    but think about it
    words as common as light
    could have very different conontations
    in different timezones.

    & the speaker speaks these things
    knowing only what they know
    to someone else
    somewhere else
    who doesn't understand
    the speaker's point of reference
    but they understand
    when they say,

    "Be careful of that dog"
