Friday, July 16, 2010


Its alright if you miss it
It really is
but its a whole other thing
to live for things
you're bound to miss

You can't focus on things
you're bound to miss
You can see traces of them
It gets overwhelming
just looking anywhere at all

One day I'll rewrite Descarte's Meditations
One day it'll make sense enough to me
So that I'll rewrite Descarte's Meditations
One day they'll have to ask
if I rewrote it at all


  1. Photo Source

    Worth a read.

  2. one day i'll read descarte's meditations and wonder if it was even written by him.

    in the meantime, i'll wonder if the moments which i've experienced in the moment
    outweigh the time i've spent remembering them.

    i'll maybe even wish to revisit, recreate, or renew the experience.

    i'll think of things i've never done ... and do them.

    i'll wake up with a morning minty freshness and hope for a full tank of gas and a clear sky.

    i've been home a lot these days. i barely remember childhood, youth, or ago. it's all so different for being the same plot of land and same handful of walls. it's different ... and i occupy it differently. it is not my home. and i am not it's resident.

  3. I've been a renter my whole life
    now after all these years of rambling
    I can't answer anyone
    when they ask,
    Where are you from?

    I give a different answer every time
    and every answer I give
    is the place I miss
    at the moment I say it.
