Tuesday, August 11, 2009


I was sure moving up north

I'd be free of the long humid summer

but I've been changing shirts twice a day

and the local paper says at least once a week

that the end is near

nothing above 80 degrees

for the rest of the year

I know it's hard to pinpoint the end

I don't blame them for being cheerfully optimistic

but I don't think you should look at a newspaper

like its got special needs

Spent the whole four day weekend

tossing around opinions about politics

talking about farming

drinking beer

and wondering what of all you hear these days

is and isn't a load of bullshit

It would be easy to think

that everyone's been fooled

and every gripe they grumble

is the product of some talking head

running through the streets

on fire

& in HD

I bought a leather chair thinking

maybe global warming was just such a sham

Sometimes we're wrong

and we've got no choice

but to stick to it

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