Sunday, June 14, 2009

Sorry for the Delay

I believe, in my Heart of Hearts,
that Art is nothing without Sacrifice
So, at some point Everything must be Forfeit to Chance
but that is not to say,
that Art is dependant on Accidents

Accidents only occur in paradigms of Morality,
and Art must always seek to defy Present Human Principles

What I’m saying is that a Work’s Artist is free of Guilt
the Art is a song all it’s own
It would be foolish for our Artists to Assume
they can Predict their own Future,
let alone the Future of their work

And doubly unwise to say among millions of Casual Observers
a Consensus can be drawn up of Intentions lost,
rendered useless after one Fleeting Moment

At some point in Art’s Conception,
the Artist’s hand Slips
and it doesn’t mean a thing
its not for anybody
it’s handed over to the Atmosphere

If that Artist holds on to that Singular Moment
it’s Robbed of its Liberty
Roasted under the Microscope
Sanctioned off and tossed Aside

Despite this,
the Desire to Possess cannot simply be Rationalized Away

There is plenty of Evidence of Art’s Dependence on Autonomy
Everywhere you look, there is Expression
in the holes, there is Art

Nobody has any idea who Anybody is
I believe we’re not the Shit we put on the Internet
We’re barely involved in the process

No Second Guesses
there are no Phases
Every Artist runs alongside their Work
Only the Phonies try to steer from the Rear


  1. an open mouth next to ice cream
    does not assume the failure to drip
    nor reduce the likelihood
    of sticky fingers

    the process and the result
    are oft done for
    dissimilar intents
    and to
    dissimilar ends

    the phase is
    but a wheel's cogs
    and the watch is
    but worn.

    the time is
    what we call it
    and the moment
    is what's born.
