Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Growing Up Punk

Dan came and went without much fanfare
but that's the way it goes with the old crew
It's been years and half a country's travel
but it's just coming over
having a couple of beers
sharing space
where there's always space to spare

It's not to say it wasn't a pleasure
He's easy on the nerves,
good humored, and up for anything

seeing any of that lot
always leaves me shaking my head
Everything has changed
but everyone's the same
Maybe a little mellower,
a bit more sure-footed,
but otherwise unchanged

I grew up punk as fuck
sure as shit that no one over thirty
could be trusted with a pocket knife
I assume most of us did
and when Cobain pulled the trigger
I think,
that suspicion was confirmed

Maybe he was convinced
he was ahead of his time
and when he didn't see the light
at the end of the tunnel of success
he figured it wasn't going to come at all

Maybe he saw another underpass in the distance
realized there was never any tube to begin with
either way,
I never thought he was much of a voice for anybody
and what he saw rounding the corner of 3 decades
I aint yet seen in the way of anyone I know

The last night Dan was here,
he got drunk enough to make small talk
like he does
like every question
requires an overcoming of some mental blockade
so each simple inquiry is blurted out
with just a little too much urgency,
and a bit more volume than is normal for him,
appearing just that much more dire
& worth some well thought-out reply

I've always been sure it was unintentional
but I still get a kick out of it
thinking too deep about some simple question
I wonder if everyone does that to him
after all these years
I've never asked


  1. Recently realized that I spend too much time thinking about just about everything. Sometimes if you ponder something endlessly you figure it out or come up with some weird interrelation or double meaning. But its also a good way to put off making decisions.

  2. I ain't met a decision
    that didn't need putting off
    I ain't met a thought
    that I didn't like
    I suppose you're probably right
    I'll have to get back to you on that

  3. there's some pretty quotable stuff going on in this... like some really quotable stuff.

  4. Well, I'd love to hear what stands out for you.
    I can never be so sure myself,
    and everything is always open to edits.
