Friday, June 3, 2011

Thinking Excercise

Let us think of the Subject as the vessel of the Object
which is to say,
The Object comes-into-being as per the Subject
This coming-into-being is Subjective (multiplicitous)
The Object being momentary

Let us think of the Object as coming-into-being 
Always and as Everything
(everything possible in the Subjectification of the Object)

remember the Object is actually the Thing-Itself

The coming-into-being of the Object is not its Being (the thing-itself)
but its multiplicitous Subjective manifestation
Now Remember, 
The Minimalist/Minimalest expression is the Thing-Itself.


  1. the multiplicitousness of the subject makes subjectivity make more sense now ... though upon writing this i feel like an imaginary crowd around me just said "duh." however i do find the street language notion of subject to be less "vessel"-y and more "thing"-y ... however i just left a learning and motivation class [psychology is awesome] wherein we spent thirty minutes wrangling positive punishment and negative reinforcement [hint ... negative reinforcement is not synonymous with being beaten much to the chagrin of prime time drama]

    the thing-iness does remind me of a very loose interpretation of allegory of the cave a history professor once gave. "if there never was a chair, nor would there ever be, would the idea of a chair fail to exist?"

    riddle me this ... does minimalism always have to be so stark? cannot the thing be complex and still thingy?

  2. I just posted on this.

    Think of the vessel as a Conveyance
    a means by which something is exchanged
    this process isn't within the Subject;
    the Subject doesn't act as vessel,
    but as an exchanging agent

    this process isn't apart from the Subject
    but the nature of Subjectivity
    it is the Being of the Subject
    their conscious engagement

    As far as the riddle:
    I suggested to my class to compare
    their experience of the music
    (included on the playlist)
    with their experience of the above images
    (obviously this was imaginary,
    as these images are representations of Objects,
    hence the Thinking Exercise)

    At this point we had problematized the idea of Object
    in emphasizing the formlessness of Song as Object
    (the being of the Song)
    and recognizing the Subjective *experience*
    as the mediator for our conception of Objects and Forms
    (but more on this in the new post)
