Thursday, June 9, 2011

Optional Homework 2

The Space of Conveyance

A Conveyance is:
1. a process of transporting something from one place to another.
2. a means of transportation; a vehicle.
3. the making of an idea, feeling, or impression known or understandable.
I feel all of these definitions, at least symbolically, 
help to explain the Conveyance.
Obviously 3 gets closest to our purposes.
I want to stress the equal standings of 'idea, feeling, or impression,'
(with expression and gesture, we cover nearly all which is conveyable)
and the vague clarifiers for the delivery, 'known or understandable,'
these words share a crucial momentariness.

The Conveyance need not produce anything in the Subject (Spectator)
only be received by the Subject,
think about this reception as the Space of Conveyance.
When we speak of the Conveyance then,
we speak of all human transmission as equal 
in that they are, finally, conveyable.
(screams, doodles, food orders, paintings, poems, telemarketing calls, etc.)
It is in the conveying that all transmission is equal,
the conveying is the creation of a Space of Conveyance.
Now, think of the Space of any Conveyance: what are its factors?
- Time? Walls? Dimension? Weight? Form? Perception? Sense? Context?
In looking for the Minimalist/Minimalest Conveyance,
we seek the Minimalist/Minimalest Space of Conveyance.
(wait for it...)
Now if we accept what we earlier proposed for the Object
then we understand the Conveyance 
as a coming-into-being of a multiplicitous Subjectivity;
the Conveyance, if seen in its totality, reveals the whole of its Subjective existence.
Is the Space of Conveyance 
the Space of the Object 
or the Space of the Object in Totality?
Let us say it's both, either, or neither,
What then is the Minimalist/Minimalest Space of Conveyance?

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