Sunday, October 31, 2010

Prelude to Minimalism

Agreeing with our earlier assessment as to the nature of Art
in The Art of Minimalism
the annihilation of the Subject
by the nature of its being
a reflection of the Totality

Minimalist Art
is the annihilation of the Subject
(by the nature of its being
a reflection of the Totality)
through the most minimal expression available
to both Artist and Spectator

This presupposes a few things:
1. Minimalist Art is the most minimal expression available
2. This expression must be shared by both Artist and Spectator
3. The minimalist expression is Art

I believe material reality is the Totality of Being
which is to say
The most minimal expression of Material Reality is its Being

The Minimalist Art Object is thus
the expression of its Being in Material Reality

Which is to say
The minimalist expression shared by both Artist and Spectator
is the Being of the Minimalist Art Object in its Material Reality

As such
the Minimalist Art Object is Art
by its annihilation of the Subject
through reflecting the Totality
by its Being in the Material Reality

Every Subject in engaging the Minimalist Art Object
is annihilated by the minimalist expression of (its) Material Reality
as it exists in (its) Totality

The Totality of each Subject's engagement
with the Minimalist Art Object
is (its) Being in (the) Material Reality

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