Saturday, October 16, 2010

No Egos

I know that sometimes people
have to talk over me
I'm not yet sure
if its a problem

I'm sure
I've got a streak of  sadomasochism in me
that would make Freud kick a mule
I'm certain all heroes do

It's not a crime to imagine yourself brave
at least not in my book
Courage always Courage
and there is no unsure thing

I believe volume has power too
but not in the way
that preachers on the capital steps
use it

The real thing
is always an unconscious
byproduct of belief
that what one says is right

It's not a crime to believe something is right
not in my book anyway
Righteous always Righteous
and there is no unsure thing


  1. i was driving down independence, leaving the Holocaust museum, when an ambulance, lights on, appeared in my rear view. I pulled over, but it stopped. I was confused. I waited for a moment; then drove off. The ambulance resumed its trek. Confused, i pulled over again, this time it passed.

    The whole time this thought process was occurring, and the actual event was taking place, K was talking to me.

    yeah, i have a tendency to space out, but this was a different matter.

    anyway, she became upset that i was ignoring her, and that, in turn, upset me, cuz i felt that her indignation was a bit off kilter.

    her Argument: i should have told her i was not listening.

    My rebuttal: i didn't realize i wasn't listening cuz i was distracted by the ambulance, in addition to operating the vehicle; safely.

    K: that's ridiculous

    A: that's how the human brain works

    K: maybe yours

    A: maybe...

    At this point i brought out the ego argument. and claimed that her's was way too big; way too big. and that who gave a fuck if i didn't hear that story at that particular time. and that my main focus was to keep us alive on these crazy dc streets. Maybe too harsh in retrospect, definitely come off as an asshole in print, but whatevs, i stick by my main point...

    indignation and its role in ego.
    defensiveness and its role in ego.
    my biased retelling of this event, and its role with ego.

    and why the fuck did that ambulance stop to begin with?

  2. I think you did the right thing
    in paying attention to the road
    but I wonder if
    "i didn't realize i wasn't listening"
    really holds any water

    Ego is the part of us
    which acts according to
    the Reality Principle

    It is through the Ego
    that we experience
    Conscious Awareness

    Ego is not the problem
    Ego is not a bad word

    Ego is the Rational part of our Psyche

    Current Ideology
    would have us believe otherwise

    Our Ego is subservient to Ideology
    Our Ego is also subservient to our Super-Ego

    In the act of Submission
    Ideology and Super-Ego
    function as One

    Your condemning of one Ego
    the Ideological Suppression of Ego
    in that both suppress the idea of Ego

    The Super-Ego dominates our Psyche
    and we are not at the wheel

  3. holds water like a pair of hands...

    ego is necessary, the trick is meta-awareness, which i was trying to coyly hint at with my story.

    k's ego was hurt by my actions in choosing to pay attention to my environment. my ego was hurt by her indignation, as if i made the wrong decision.

    we all need a stiff back bone, and, sometimes, i wish mine was stiffer.

    but, also, civil discourse requires that meta-awareness of 'the self,' that willingness to not defend yourself for the sake of defending yourself, your "self"

    the self: a bundle of abstract concepts that do not exist independently from everything else

    but, so i've heard, the brain can only focus on one thing at a time; and at the time of the ambulance, i literally tuned out all other noises; one of those noises being K's voice. therefore, how could i know that K was talking if no information of 'her talking' was being processed?

    this is the "evidence" i used to justify my "instinctual" "choice" to pay attention to other events that, in my "opinion," were of greater importance. so, as i saw, her indignation of being cross(ed) was erroneous; given the circumstances.

    she disagreed

    she also did not believe my evidence

    i questioned her incredulity as an act of pure ego, not based in reason, but solely on the sake of defending herself

    (btw, debating via print is way more fun for me than trying to talk over one another)

    but, at the end of the day...

    i am no scientist

    i am no expert

    i only carry with me vague notions of what Freud meant by id, ego, super ego in relation to what i know about Buddhist philosophy and concepts of the "self"

    i am working to get to a point where arguing is seen as a constructive collaborative effort, with the shared goal of deeper understanding

    i can't negate Ego's role

    i can attempt to understand it

    and seriously, why the fuck did that ambulance stop!!!!?????!!!!!??????

  4. "we all need a stiff back bone, and, sometimes, i wish mine was stiffer"


  5. Alright
    Let's hit this like it we mean it
    I'm going to reorganize your example
    according to assumptions
    (assumptions are all we have)
    I will outline the locus of each response

    So don't get upset
    if it looks like I'm saying something
    that you just can't abide
    it's no longer about you
    leave your ego out of it

    Think of everything which is said
    as an object
    floating in space
    neither product of mind nor sense
    but something tangible
    though still out of reach

    I won't hold too true to Freud
    its not about him either
    but I'll use the basic format of his psyche

    The psyche consists of three parts:
    Id, Ego, and Superego

    The Id is your base nature
    that which is purely bestial about you
    your animalness

    It does not then define you as human
    it is that part of your existence
    left over from your furry days

    The Id acts according to the dictates of
    The Pleasure Principle
    which seeks to avoid pain
    in the light of our baser instincts

    The Id is the drive to copulate
    the hunger in your belly
    the primordial survival instinct
    the seemingly irrational impulse
    to bite the arm that chokes you

    It is the consciousness we share with all animals
    it is arguable if any animals have an Ego
    (maybe some of the larger brained mammals)

    The Ego is your rational consciousness
    It weighs out options
    determines the quality and quantity of things

    The Ego acts according to the dictates of
    The Reality Principle
    seeking to appease the Id
    in ways which will insure the greatest benefit

    The Ego interprets the primitive signals of the Id

    So you and I can say that the urge to make babies
    is going to end up tied into a rubber

    It is partly this process of interpretation
    which defines the Self
    the rest is your Ego's interpretation
    of the hyper-rational impulses of the Superego

    (and this is where Freud and I differ most greatly)
    Freud thought the Superego
    was an inborn part of the psyche
    which imposed a higher set of ideals on the Ego
    countering the impulses of the Id
    by persistently socializing the Individual

    That's pure bupkis
    The Superego is an imposition on the Ego
    by the Social Totality
    In this way
    The Superego acts according to
    The Social Principle
    which aims to conform
    the Ego's interpretation of the Id
    to existing social norms

    (I have a fairly long paper
    explaining how the Social Totality
    becomes incorporated into the Psyche
    I wont try and paraphrase it here
    but it isn't hard to see it working
    The Id wants babies
    so the Ego must find a suitable mate
    the Social Principle dictates certain protocol
    which the Ego must obey
    in acting according to the Reality Principle
    The secret is in how
    the Reality Principle
    is indistinguishable
    from the Social Principle
    in any social system)

    So the Self is the manifestation of the Ego
    mediating between the Id and Superego

    The Self manifests as an Avatar
    within the Social Totality
    the manifestation of the Ego
    as Object
    through the Subjectivity of the Other

    The Ego must acknowledge the Avatar
    again, according to the Reality Principle
    this acknowledgment of
    the Self as Object is Self-Consciousness

    Self-Consciousness is thus
    the Ego's acknowledgment of its Self
    within the Social Totality

    Which is to say
    Self-Consciousness is imposed upon by the Superego
    Self-Consciousness is not the Ego
    the Ego's manifestation is the Self
    as a result
    Self-Consciousness is not Consciousness of the Self
    due to the imposition of the Superego

    I believe the goal is (actual) Self-Consciousness
    which is the liberation of the Ego
    from the imposition of the Superego

    Only then can the Ego
    act according to the Reality Principle
    and thereby fulfill its humanity
    in interpreting the Id
    according to the will of the Self

  6. OK!

    The Rhetorical Situation
    1. The negotiation with the Social Totality
    2. The communication of the Other
    3. The question of Self-Consciousness

    You were driving
    the streets were hectic
    an ambulance moved unpredictably

    Your will to survive
    stemming from the Id
    demanded the attention of your Ego

    Whilst running from a Rhino
    K attempts to seek pleasure from you
    as the Ego is clearly functioning
    in manifesting K's Self
    then too is K's Self-Consciousness
    (the Self as Object within the Social Totality)

    In not acknowledging K's Self
    you destabilize her Self-Consciousness

    By failing to manifest yourself
    within the Social Totality
    in which her Self is apparent
    her Self cannot manifest
    according to the dictates of her Ego
    for she has no access to the Social Totality
    (the Social Totality requires an Other)

    what makes things complicated
    is how K's Ego interprets
    the impulses of the Superego
    and thereby
    defines the qualifiable parameters
    of the Social Totality

    You interpreted the Superego
    as requiring your complete attention
    K did not

    This could be the simple result of Subjectivity
    as your situation (running from Rhinos)
    imposed upon your Ego
    an aspect of the Social Totality
    entirely different than K's

    But I don't think that is the whole story

    You question each other's
    Consciousness of Self
    (already a mistake
    since all you both really had
    was Self-Consciousness
    which by its nature
    is not the Truth)

    Feeling displeasure
    K dictates that your role
    (an interpretation of your Self in the Social Totality)
    should be in the prevention of her displeasure

    This reads like passive aggression
    for in dictating your role
    K cannot undo the displeasure
    only insure against future displeasure
    this does not ease the displeasure
    (which the Ego demands)
    in this way
    by demanding you ease future displeasure
    K was actually instructing you
    to end the displeasure which existed at that moment
    (the demand of the Ego)

    K felt displeasure
    from your lack of acknowledgement
    proceeded to dictate your role
    (assuming K has not liberated the Ego)
    are both determined by the Superego

    Not the Ego as you presumed
    which might seem insignificant
    but it is not
    for the Superego
    far from being irrational
    is Hyper-rational
    its reasonings are beyond the Ego

    As I stated earlier
    I still wonder if
    "i didn't realize i wasn't listening"
    really holds any water

    Admitting that your Ego
    negotiated with the Social Totality
    in the best possible way
    in paying full attention to the Rhino

    In the light of the Superego
    you did not communicate effectively
    with K

    It would make sense if you had announced
    (perhaps after the first time the Rhino
    began acting so unpredictably)
    that your Ego demanded your full attention
    in negotiating with the Social Totality
    which is to say
    that K was not your top priority

    I would guess that the Superego
    dictated that you making said statement
    would not have produced the best results

    So you acted
    not according to your Ego
    which would rationally have lead you
    to include K
    in your conception of the Social Totality
    but the Superego
    dictated an action contrary to your Id
    resulting in the irrational occurrence of displeasure

    Hopefully that helps
