Saturday, August 7, 2010

Intro to Minimalism

We've got to get a few things straight
about Art
before we dive head first into this thing

The concept of Art is an entirely human construct
which means
that all the meaning of Art is imposed from outside
by us incorporating that concept into our being

There is, as you can see,
an internal/external dichotomy:
Art is imposed on an object
by the incorporation of Art into our being
both of which happen simultaneously
put forever in motion
by the first utterance of Art

The utterance is the coming-into-being of all things
every utterance is a coming-into-being
within the history of all like utterances
while simultaneously
manifesting itself as an entirely singular utterance

The utterance exists
both within and without
the continuum
it is itself and not itself
all inclusive and entirely exclusive

All of which is mediated by the Art object
represented in the Textual Chain
as the Productive Object

The Object catalyzes the utterance
All utterance starts with the Subject
engaging the Productive Object
the utterance itself is an Imposition
of the Subject's Intent in uttering
on a Receptive Object
The spoken word
The Canvas 
The Marble
The Other

As the utterance is an Imposition
it can never be the Productive Object
only Signify it

In turn,
the manifestation of the utterance
in conveyance
takes the place of the Productive Object
within the Totality,
thus the Textual Chain reinitiates,
in conveyance of the utterance
the utterance replaces the Productive Object
within the Totality

the Subject/Object dichotomy
has become impossible to separate
Both function simultaneously
in engaging the utterance

As Art is no different than any other utterance
the Productive Object (Art Object)
catalyzes the engagement of all interested parties:
"The utterance of Chair"

The Subject (Artist)
looks at a chair (The Productive Object)
(That chair is perceived via the utterance of chair
the knowing of Chair is the reception of its utterance)
he creates an utterance of that chair
on the Receptive Object (Canvas)
The utterance of Chair has reproduced itself 
via the Productive Object (the (C)hair)

The artist's utterance of Chair
is at once 
its own marked utterance of Chair
while concurrently 
absorbed in the Total utterance of Chair
(Chair's utterance within the Totality)

In Reception
the Totality engages the marked Chair
The marked Chair
is both
its own Productive Object
(The utterance of Chair)
and a reproduction of the Total utterance of Chair

In this way the Totality absorbs the marked Chair
The Productive object is visible only in the Totality
All Subjects engage the Totality in utterance
conveying (as above) marked utterances
which are Received only via the Totality

That is to say,
All conveyance fails to communicate
the truth of the Productive Object
because of the Imposition of the Subject

In the Metaphysics of Text
Art exists in the Productive Process
which is 
the marked utterance of Chair
coming into being
within the Totality

(Remember the Totality is Subjectively Constructed)
and Go!


  1. And you Said:

    Sounds pretty simple. Almost a little too simple.. Is it saying that art "is" the manifestation of a new instance of a symbol within the totality of that symbol's meaning as it exists within the understanding of the artist and the witnesses of his/her art, or is it simply saying that art exists there?

    If it's the former, that's seems really circular (might be the point), and if it's the latter, then duh.

  2. It is saying both.

    Lets look at your points and see what we come up with:
    1. Art "is" the manifestation of a new instance of a symbol
    2. within the totality of that symbol's meaning
    3. as it exists within the understanding of the artist
    4. and the witnesses of his/her art
    Z. Simply art is there

    1. Don't think "symbol."
    These are things that are being engaged.
    Due to our conscious engagement being mediated
    by our own linguistic imposition
    it also simultaneously manifests
    within a kind of symbolic order (our consciousness).
    That manifestation is too an object
    (the utterance)
    which triggers the above process
    in the Reception of the Totality

    These processes happen concurrently
    with the utterance

    2.Within the Totality, yes. Symbol and Meaning, no.
    And its coming into being within the Totality
    happens at the same time as its individual utterance
    Both of which are mediated by the Object

    The Object is the utterance
    and the utterance of a thing
    is always every utterance of itself

    3. This is where you lose it
    The Object is always the thing
    Let me see if I can do this another way:

    The painter paints a chair
    his knowing of the chair
    (the knowing of chairs)
    is the knowing of Chair
    (the construct of Chair)

    The painter
    paints a Chair
    (the object obscured by its utterance)
    and in so doing
    manifests Chair
    in his utterance (the painting)

    In reception of the Object
    (the painting of Chair)
    by the Totality
    (this means the TOTALITY,
    not simply "the public" or "the other,"
    this includes the Totality of the utterance,
    as well as everything else.
    This is the coming-into-being of the utterance.)
    the Object is subsumed by the Totality

    The Painter paints Chair
    (The Object marked by Imposition)
    the painting of Chair
    (The utterance of Chair)
    in coming into being
    is Chair objectified
    at once
    the construct of Chair
    and its utterance

    The point here is that
    the utterance of Chair
    and its individual utterance of Chair
    manifest in the coming into being
    of the utterance

    Neither has primacy

    The utterance is paradoxical
    It is Reproducing itself AS IT IS Produced.

    The utterance of Art
    as an utterance
    functions as above
    only in that it is
    ever changing and never changing
    (the nature of the Paradox)

    I don't know if this is really a duh moment
    maybe it is
    it seems simple enough
    but apply it to the Object
    the Art Object
    (though any Object will do)
    and things get more complicated

    If you haven't read
    some of the earlier Metaphysics of Text
    this might be a chance to explore
    I might be taking things for granted
    but understand this:

    Existence is not the same as our Consciousness
    All we can talk about is our own Consciousness

    The Metaphysics of Text
    addresses the First Causes of Text
    the Object (as it is in Existence)
    which is to say
    We aim to perceive the Object
    though our perception
    is mediated by the Text
    The utterance as Object
    The Art Object
    exists outside of the Text
    though it manifests via Text
    while simultaneously defining the Text
    (the utterance)

    The Object obscures itself
    due to the Imposition of our Being
    which is to say
    the utterance is not the Object
    though it proxies it
    in our consciousness

    The Signifier ≠ The Signified
    because of our consciousness
    our Imposition
    our utterance
    our Being

    If the effects this has on Art
    is not immediately clear
    than maybe I will write some more on Art
    before moving on to Minimalism

    Let me know.

  3. By "Text," you pretty much mean the language that we build our consciousness upon, yeah? And to engage anything in existence, we must do so through that consciousness? So, our engagement with the Art Object (in existence) can only be mediated through the consciousness?

    The utterance of the Art Object simultaneously brings into being our own utterance about it, which is purely a textual creation of individual consciousness (and not the object itself as it simply exists).

    You say we impose our Being on the Art Objects, which is good, but I think the aesthetic moment generated by good Art is also a simultaneous imposition of itself on our Being, altering us in whatever way we let it (as it is obscured by our Being and because we can choose to not engage with the Object).

    Lol, you let me know.

  4. You've got it right, essentially, the problem, as with most problems, is language. Though, if we don't address it now, I'd be afraid that further discussion would make even less sense due to certain semiotic assumptions.

    By "Text" I mean the language which constitutes our consciousness.
    Saying the language comes before consciousness, i.e. "the language that we build our consciousness upon" is a bit of a false starter. The Text only exists because there is consciousness, and consciousness constantly redefines the Text. The Text is the mediator between "Reality" and our consciousness. Make sense?

    To engage existence, because we have a consciousness, is to engage the Text. The Text stands for the Objects of "Reality."

    So, our engagement with the Art Object is mediated by the Text (as a result of our being/consciousness).

    "The Object itself as it simply exists" is never engaged, only the utterance of the Object. Every subsequent utterance is its individual moment, i.e. "Look at that chair" subsumed by the Totality of Chair.
    The individual utterance is taken for itself within the Totality.
    "look at that chair" in utterance evokes Chair in conveyance. I must know of Chair before I can look for "that chair." However, "that chair" still retains its autonomy in that the conveyance did indicate the individual utterance, through evoking the Totality.

    Its crucial to note the cyclical nature of these thing, their always-happening-simultaneously nature.

    Don't mistake Imposition for alteration, or affectation. Think of it more as being-in-relation to the object. Either way, you're getting close to what makes this interesting:

    If my Consciousness is constituted in Text, and my Being likewise composes the Text in imposition, and the utterance (Art Object) is both constituted by the Text (the utterance in Totality) and in coming-into-being composes the Text, then when I perceive the Art Object, it both constitutes my Consciousness and marks my consciousness with its singularity, which I in turn reciprocate.

    Now understand, nothing is both itself and its totality, because the totality is all that-which-is-not-the-singular-instance, so nothing can be both itself and not itself. Your consciousness is no exception, through the process of engaging the Object, the consciousness is destabilized by this paradox, itself and not itself.

    The act of Being in the Text is the state of this paradox.
    If we can accept that
    at least logically or hypothetically
    then we can say that our determinable state of truth
    exists in this paradox
    The truth of the Object is that which it is in paradox
    The when-it-is-and-is-not-itself of the Object

    Understanding that the relationship between
    Subject and Object is reciprocal (omni-constitutional)
    Then know that the truth of the Object
    is in turn
    the when-it-is-and-is-not-itself of the Subject

    I like to think that Art's job
    is to show us the Truth.
