Thursday, May 13, 2010

How It All Works

For Stephanie

I've often wondered
whether being a Deconstructionist
affects my marriage

My wife, I think she's one too
even if she don't know it

But its hard to believe
that all that talk of différance
doesn't have some effect

This morning we had a tift
it didn't get out of hand or anything
it was about (t)ime
late mornings are always like that

We went to Gardens In A Flower Pot
on Little Creek
for potting soil
picked up three plants for that
shady oppressive strip of the backyard

Went looking for something called a Leopard Plant
picked up two Gold Dusts
which I think
are probably some version of the same thing
and some Gardenias
which took us by surprise
and we both happen to like

Got home and put away the groceries we picked up
then out to the yard for an hour or so
breaking up the soil, the vines, the weeds,
shoveling and planting

Made tacos for lunch
and Stef started slicing up some pork to marinate
She had it on lock down
but I was cleaning up anyway

She said
Thanks for helping
I said, earnestly,
I know its not your favorite part
She agreed
That's the destructive part
I like the constructive part

I don't remember if I said it or not
but I, at least, thought
That's an interesting way to think about it

Went back out for a smoke
and took a solid look at the garden we planted
It looked real good
but it got us thinking about other projects
to beautify the backyard

We talked about creating spaces
the Shade Garden,
the Vegetable Circle,
not trying to manipulate the grounds
make things all forced and alien;
just clearly mark out lines
doing what little work is necessary
to make that space make sense

In the corner of the yard
in the far back left:
An old tenant had dug for a pool
must've been a real hack-job
dumped the dug-up earth
back there and since
the Bamboo has been spreading
covering the ignored mass
taking up a good 8th of the lawn

I told her I'd like to cut down some of that Bamboo
not all of it
just enough to create a clear enclosure
make a circular space
surrounded by the tallest stalks
shadowed by the canopy

I couldn't wait to get to work
I took out the big garden shears
and started
hacking away at it

I told her
I like the destructive part
She said
Its different
you're destroying things
to create a space
I replied
That sentence right there
is exactly what I mean by Deconstruction

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

The Plight of the Antihero

Fashion Fascination
Fashion Fascination

The dog eats things in the yard
I don't know what they are
but she never needs more then she takes

I've lost the will

For a minute there
I thought the wife had taken the only pack of smokes
and I was wrapped up in the usual blinding terror
Going to the Store

Then I realized
I left them in my coat pocket
and I was wrong to say those things
I say in my head

No one gets a fair deal with Hope
It's always a sacrifice
and nothing about sacrifice
ever works

Friday, May 7, 2010


Pretend for a second
that you actually took everybody seriously
That's pretty much how it is
I know I owe a few of the very few you
something on the Metaphysics of Text
The word's getting around
should really start putting the pieces together

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Shortened Manifesto

for K.

It's good to see we finally got it together
We've been a'searching too damn long
Remember me back to California
Days drinking in the Dark
We won't be back till next Decemeber
and its been too damn long
To go back now

Think about those things
which happen all the time
Aint it like they've happened before
Aint it like they'll never happen again

Cyborg Puppet Show Theatre

For A.

Know when you look into the tiny hearts of men
(no bigger than a fist, clenching
Every other beat
that old, malleable stone of certainty)
That what you see there is blind Terror

I would experiment with the sublim(inal)

We know the universe
an ever-expanding, undefinable, space
Yet nobody feels inclined to say the same

We are all behind the wheel
Music playing Loud
singing, screaming,
Hung out on the Line