Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Matter of Perspective

There are only two kinds of days
The first are the ones I fuck up
The second are the ones that I don't
My whole life can be whittled down to that

I'd like to think I learn from my mistakes
but if I did, you'd have to believe,
I would've run out of things to fuck up by now
but it doesn't seem to be the case

I never wanted to be Superman
or live any kind of exceptional life
& I don't think its too much to ask
to not burn dinner,
tear a pair of pants,
or slip in the mud
but I don't even really know who to ask

I suppose there are people out there
who have loads of money lying around
& they pay other people to fuck up for them
I could see myself in that line of work
or maybe more accurately,
I can't see myself doing much else